Welcome to AppleShare IP 6.3 This program installs AppleShare IP 6.3 on your computer in four easy steps. Follow the onscreen instructions. If you need help, click the Help button in each window. For more information and troubleshooting tips, see the installation manual. System requirements To install AppleShare IP 6.3, your computer must have a PowerPC microprocessor, at least 64 MB of RAM (80 MB recommended). You must have Mac OS 9 or later installed. You must also have at least 60 MB of space available on your hard disk. Depending on the software you choose to install, you may need significantly more. The Installer displays a message if you don’t have enough hard disk space. Before you begin • Turn off all security software, including At Ease. • Turn off all non-Apple extensions and control panels. • Restart your computer before opening the Installer. See the Getting Started manual for more information about preparing your computer for installation.